Knock-Out! Global Smackdown
Knock-Out Global Smackdown! is a 2-6 player tabletop board game about Fighters duking it out in a wacky underground fighting ring. Over the next 3 years, my friends and I developed and manufactured a full prototype, filmed two cinematics, and launched a Kickstarter campaign.
Game Development
In 2015, my best friends and I created an idea for a board game while we were hanging out chugging Mountain Dew in Sean's basement. It began as a simple card game with coins and paper but quickly turned into a passion project that we spent hundreds of hours and four years developing.
For the next 2 years, we constantly tested and improved the game, developed artwork, and ordered playable copies to show our friends. I discovered my love for illustration while developing the game and by the end of the project, had created 162 unique cards, instructions and box art, marketing graphics, and various other pieces of art.
We created a website with the instructions (now, unfortunately defunct) and some fun promotional videos for YouTube. This is where I learned a passion for video editing and directing, as well as special effects.
On December 16th, 2017 we launched a Kickstarter campaign for KO that received 35 backers and support from our community, but was unable to reach the funding goal. Nevertheless, it's still cool! Check out the project page to see how we marketed the game.
After the campaign, we took the opportunity to reevaluate and improve our board game, as each change made the game better and better. We conducted public playtests at a board game cafe and created some merch, including t-shirts and stickers.
After the campaign and we all went off to college, we ordered a copy of the game for each of us and close friends, and we still have some very heated matches of the game to this day.